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Wednesday, 15 June 2011


Giant Snakes Unravelling the Coils of Mystery


Coming soon is a new range of reprints of books about cryptozoology and allied disciplines and also classic natural history.

As you probably know, all the CFZ companies are staffed by volunteers, and despite our many and multi-various differences there are certain things we all have in common, and probably the most important of these is that we are all confirmed and totally irredeemable bibliophiles.

It has always irritated us that some of the most important books in the subjects which interest us are so ruddy expensive. Jon, being somewhat of an old anarchist, has wanted to do something about it for a long time, and now we are.

It is too early to tell you what, and even when, our new titles will be and when they will appear, but we can promise you one thing – they will be affordable.

Watch this space….


No matter how single-minded we pretend to be, we have a wide and diverse range of interests. Long before he started the Centre for Fortean Zoology in 1992, my husband Jonathan published books and magazines about the more esoteric, and often political aspects of the music industry.

CFZ Communications is where we put books which have nothing to do with forteana. And we are proud to be able to announce that we are launching this imprint later in the year with the first in a series of updated editions of books by the legendary film director and music journalist, Tony Palmer. The first book, The Trials of Oz, will be out to mark the 40th anniversary of the end of the trial which set the British establishment against the most notorious publication in British hippydom.

Watch this space.


A new imprint which “does exactly what it says on the tin”. With our CFZ imprint we have already established ourselves as the world’s leading publishers on books about cryptozoology and allied disciplines, and we are doing the same rather fast with our Fortean Words imprint. However, especially with a subject as rich and arcane as forteana, we felt that it was important to try to delineate between our non-fiction and fictional publications. This is a particularly difficult task when the truth is often far stranger than fiction.

However, we have done it and Fortean Fiction is being launched later this year with two books:

Snap by Steven Bredice - a spine chilling story about a lake with an unpleasant inhabitant

Green Unpleasant Land - an anthology of short stories set in modern(ish) Britain and written by our very own Richard Freeman

Over the years we have published a couple of novels under the CFZ Press banner, and over the next few months they will be reissued under the new imprint.


After five or six years of publishing books under the CFZ Press umbrella, it became obvious that we needed to start another imprint. Charles Fort was an American writer and researcher into anomalous phenomena. He gave his name to a broad portmanteau discipline including research into a wide range of arcane subjects.

Fortean Words is a home for authors who discuss and investigate things for which there is no rational explanation. Our authors include such Fortean luminaries as Nick Redfern, Andy Roberts, and Paul Screeton.

As well as stand-alone titles we publish the following series:

The Fortean Anthology series
Haunted Skies

Also from Fortean Words:

Andy Roberts: UFO DOWN! The Berwyn Mountains UFO Crash

The Mystery Animals of the British Isles

Mystery animals? Great Britain? Surely not. These are not phrases which would normally be thought of in the same sentence. But it is true. The zoogeography of the British Isles is not as hard and fast as one would have imagined; there are mystery big cats, sea monsters, strangely coloured variants of well known species, animals only known from a handful of specimens or even less, and a body of evidence to suggest that entire new species await discovery. The Fortean zoology of these islands is even more impressive, with dragons, monsters, ghostly animals and weird animal folklore.

For the first time, all these subjects are being gathered together under one, somewhat eccentric, roof. The Mystery Animals of the British Isles is a major new series from CFZ Press, the publishing arm of the world's largest mystery animals research organisation. It will cover Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland, on a county by county basis, describing the mystery animals of the entire island group.

The Mystery Animals of the British Isles: Northumberland and Tyneside by Michael Hallowell
Mystery Animals of the British Isles: Kent by Neil Arnold
The Mystery Animals of the British Isles: The Western Isles by Glen Vaudrey


When the Centre for Fortean Zoology was started back in the spring of 1992 we always intended to have the world’s most extensive cryptozoological publishing house.

Sadly it took us longer than we had originally envisaged, but now we have an unparalleled catalogue of books on cryptozoology and allied disciplines. We are particularly proud of three of our series:

The Mystery Animals of the British Isles
The CFZ Yearbooks
The collected editions of Animals & Men

Outside these series we have a fine catalogue of books:

Non-series books published by CFZ Press